Monday, December 2, 2019

Voice of Democracy free essay sample

This being said, they built this nation on a foundation of freedom and equality intending to secure liberty for themselves and their descendents, who are the people of today. From the first Ten Amendments written, the most fundamental one was and still is the First Amendment. It guarantees the citizens of America the freedom of speech. For a good government, it is the people that need to voice an opinion to help with decisions and laws for the country. Without our freedom of speech we cannot express our thoughts and ideas freely and openly. Once our freedom to speak our mind is gone, we begin to lose everything that makes us who we are. Freedom of speech has always been a very important right to all Americans, but we must realize that by losing that right we open ourselves up to losing all the other rights and freedom most of us take for granted every day. We will write a custom essay sample on Voice of Democracy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If we cannot speak freely then the government can stop us from speaking out on our own behalf allowing them to take away other rights. If we cannot speak freely, who is to say in the future we can vote freely. All the things we have grown accustomed to, as Americans, will be lost. Without this right in the Constitution, the people could be easily subjected to tyranny. The second most important Amendment to the Constitution gives the right to every citizen to bear arms. It was written so that a person could defend themselves from the government. There had been tragedies in the past that could have been avoided if the people had the ability to control their own security. It is a common human desire to provide safety for ones family and oneself, and when a government denies this right to the people, the tragedies of history tend to reoccur. America has a tradition of rights, freedoms, and other basic human dignities, and the second amendment is responsible for supporting the majority of these. The security of a nation lies in its people, and when people are unable to defend themselves, those ten basic human rights of the Constitution no longer count as anything. Last but not least, the most important constituent of democracy is the existence of free and fearless press. This sovereignty grants the press to enjoy complete freedom and revokes the press to be subjected to any restrictions. The voice of the press is the voice of the people, therefore censoring the press means the suppression of peoples voices. The press plays a very positive and constructive role in a democracy. It keeps the people informed of the national and international news and happenings. Also, it brings to the notice of people the programs, policies and activities of the government. Similarly, it keeps the government in the know of the people’s problems, difficulties, hopes and aspirations. Consequently, the press serves as a bridge between the government on the one hand and the people on the other. Briefly, the Constitution is the bulwark against tyranny. It gives us liberty and makes America the great country that it is. It is a shield of freedom in the hands of the people. We had attained through the free will to speak, the right to bear arms, and the free will of the press. As long as the Constitution endures, the freedom of America will endure. And as long as the Constitution secures the blessings of liberty, the citizens of America will be secure.

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