Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tesla Motors Annual Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Tesla Motors Annual Analysis - Essay Example Extraordinary events are able to affect the financial standing of any given company because they are unforeseen and unplanned expenses. Natural disasters or things outside the company’s control can cost the company without it being able to plan or cater for the expenses. In the 2013 annual report, Tesla Motors did not report any extraordinary events that affected their financial standing. However, in the notes to financial statements, the company indicated that it has subsequent events, law suits as a result of environmental liabilities and assertion of intellectual property infringement claims by third parties against them in the form of letters. This may have adverse material effects and impacts on their brand, operations, cash flows, prospects and financial standing or position.The two years presented indicates a continued growth and expansion for Tesla Motors over the period. These expansions are both globally as well as nationally as shown by the trends in the companyâ₠¬â„¢s assets and liabilities. Despite the economic hardships experienced in the past ten years, the company increase has been steady. Due to the company’s global expansion and acquisition of new-retail locations, there has been a steady increase in its assets. As the assets increases, liabilities also increase, however, the company’s assets are larger that its liabilities are hence making it to be in good financial standing. The company is therefore capable of meeting their bills and to continue in this trend.

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